Title I


South Christian Elementary School is a Title 1 School.  We will host monthly parent activities such as Lunch and Learn and Family Academic Nights. As a responsibility of being a Title 1 School, parents of students participating in Title 1 shall be provided:
- Timely information and opportunities to attend regular activities. - School performance categories and their child's individual assessment results, including an interpretation of results. - A description and explanation of the school curriculum, assessment, and proficiency levels. - A timely response to any parent suggestions.
South Christian Elementary School has developed, for all students participating in the Title 1 program, a parent-school learning compact that describes:
- The school's responsibility to provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that will enable students to meet the state's academic expectations. - Ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting his/her child's learning.


The ongoing communication between parents and teachers through Student-led conferences, parent/teacher conferences Title I Annual Meetings, phone calls, and emails at which time the learning compact will be discussed; progress reports to parents; and reasonable access to staff, observation of classroom activities, and opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class.


You may visit the district website for more information!


Parent Outreach & Support

Parent & Family Engagement Policy


 South Christian Elementary School conducts activities , including school wide Title I programs, to increase parent involvement. Parent involvement is a vital and important part of the school's community and programming. In recognition that the parent is the child's first and most important teacher, and that the parent's continued involvement is necessary for the success of the child, the South Christian Elementary School is committed to building a strong parent-school partnership.

To support the parent-school partnership, parent involvement shall include, but not be limited to, parent help in planning, sharing new ideas and evaluating the Title I school wide program.

This requirement shall be met in the following manner:

1.The Title I Coordinator from the school shall hold an annual meeting to inform parents of the school's participation and meaning of the school wide Title I program as it relates to parents and their children.

2.This parent involvement policy will insure that parents are informed concerning the complete school program including Title I.

3.Parents will be given written notice to review their child's KSA testing results.

4.Teachers will provide parents with individual student KSA and MAP test results for those in the grades that are tested. (Grades K-6)

5.South Christian Elementary School will inform parents of the learning curriculum, testing used to measure student progress and the level of proficiency at which students are expected to achieve.

6.Parents will receive ideas that will assist their child to achieve at his/her potential.

7.South Christian Elementary School will coordinate, when possible, with other agencies i.e., Head Start, the Family Resource Center, Migrant programs, etc.

8.On-going training and materials will be provided for Title I staff to work with the parents.

9.South Christian Elementary School will encourage parents to be involved in bridging the ties between home and school.

10.Parents, school wide teachers and school wide Title I assistants will share decisions and experiences in regular meetings.

11.South Christian Elementary School will keep documentation for all meetings.

12.South Christian Elementary School will share resource information with parents.

13.Parents will be encouraged to help with decisions at their school, and will be free to offer suggestions concerning their school.

14.The Family Resource Center will visit homes, as needed, to distribute school information to parents.